Friday, April 24, 2020


Puzzle buyers beware! This is a Public Service Announcement alerting you to the fact that not all puzzles are created equal. I ordered these two supposedly new 500 piece puzzles on ebay and this is what I got. Two heat sealed plastic bags of itty bitty puzzle pieces and a postcard size photo of what the puzzle will look like. The postcards weren't even in the sealed bags, just stuck in the mailing box. Yuck. Not good and they weren't exactly cheap.

In case you are wondering how itty bitty those pieces are, here they are next to the normal sized puzzle pieces I am working on now. Oh, well. The Mister had a good laugh at my expense and maybe on a very bright, clear day they might be doable but I all looks like more trouble than its worth. Lesson learned.

In happier news, yesterday I discovered a recipe for the yummiest cake ever. It's Nigella's chocolate gingerbread cake and oh my, it's good. I can't eat icing made with shortening and this icing is just powdered sugar, cocoa powder and.....ginger ale. You pour it on while the cake is still hot and then as it cools it becomes all sticky and gooey. It was so good I ate this much of it before I even let The Mister know it was out of the oven.


  1. I'm sorry about the puzzles. Those do look like tiny pieces. I almost licked my computer screen. That cake!!!!!! I'm so ready for something decadent.

  2. The cake was a perfect consolation after the bugger puzzle sale!!!! I learned the hard way about puzzle pieces not being equal--sorry.

  3. That cake sounds delicious!

    I make my icing with icing sugar, a splash of milk and a little butter. I add a touch of vanilla or lemon juice sometimes, for extra flavour. And of course, chocolate icing gets cocoa!

  4. That is certainly a disappointing purchase. On the other hand, that cake looks awesome! I am wanting to go mix up something chocolate just from looking at the photo.

  5. Ooooh!! That cake! It looks SO delicious. I just may be changing my traditional recipe request for Mother's Day cake.
    I can't get over puzzles these days. I don't do them often but every now and then I get the urge. Last time I bought a puzzle, they were under $5 at Walmart. I went in search of one recently and no stores had them in stock and Amazon wanted $30 for the few Prime offerings they had. Crazy times!

  6. Your cake looks great. Too bad about the puzzles...hope you write a review on them :(
