Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Tiskit, A Tasket

I don't have an Easter basket or even a Easter dinner to show off this year so how about a post about another kind of basket? My pretty catalog for the 2020 MDSW festival showed up in the mail yesterday.  It was in a plastic wrapper so I sprayed it down with my 91% alcohol and dropped it right in my festival basket with all my other fiber fest catalogs. I keep them all there until the day I need my basket to go to a festival.

 I love my festival basket. I picked it out of this pile at Rhinebeck in 2013.

Isn't she pretty? It was love at first sight.

 Ever since then she has been my festival companion.

She can hold a lot of woolly goodness.

This spring she's not only holding my pile of sheepy catalogs, she's holding a promise. One day this all will pass. One day there will be wool and fields of knitters and music and laughter and the smell of good things cooking-and I'll be there. Again.


  1. Happy Easter! I love your stand-in Easter basket. Memories of this Easter will be quite different. Stay safe.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I too miss MSWF. It's about 10 minutes from my house, and it's one bright spot in May that I always look forward to. Ah well, there's always next year!

  3. I have a basket I purchased at a fiber festival here in FL....soon things will return to calm and carefree again!

  4. Great thoughts. Wonderful basket. Happy Easter, We will get back to normal soon I hope.

  5. Happy Easter I like your basket and your crocs:)

  6. OMG! LOL, reading that last paragraph, I could smell MD Sheep & Wool's festival. And yes, that is a beautiful basket.
