Tuesday, March 3, 2020


 I had some Second Sock Success this week. I've got all four on the needles.....

....including the naughty man sock that had to be ripped back twice. It's at the heel now so I think it's a keeper. I've been too tired at night to do much else but I do like to get a row or two done on each while vegging in front of Netflix.

Speaking of being tired, the weather is still on the warm side so we split wood today. That log splitter is AMAZING.

Moving the logs over to the splitter is not so much fun though. We rolled what we could and then I hand split some of the big ones into smaller pieces so we could use the truck to haul them. If the weather holds we should have that mess out front cleaned up in about two weeks.

 I'm really looking forward to having my front yard back. It needs a big clean up. Lots of our blooming things have been sacrificed to the wood mess I am sad to say. I'll have to replant.

 Some brave things are still hanging in there.

 This is the first year in ages that the Camellia isn't all burnt up from frost. It is glorious.

I was very happy to see that my teeny tiny little daffys are all safe and accounted for. Even the ones in the woods are blooming. I think spring is here to stay. At least I hope so for the flowers sake.


  1. Well, no wonder you're tired. I don't know how you get everything done. The tiny daffodils are pretty but those purple flowers just took my heart! They are gorgeous. I know next to nothing about flowers though and have no idea what they are.
    I'm so glad you have that log splitter. Isn't it something how fast they split that wood?

  2. That is Rainbow Kitty in the background!! Isn't that something. I love how they did the colors. Now I want to go dig mine out. I had to pack all that away for the duration of the remodel. Boo...

  3. Such pretty blooms! It will be another month before we see any here.

  4. Oh my gosh you have a lot going on. Tons of knitting, wood splitting, flowers blooming!! Do you sleep?? Your flowers are so pretty.

  5. Love the knitting - I'm awed that you have the energy to work a few rows at night after all the wood-working!
    The flowers --- so lovely!

  6. Ooh, the tiny daffodils are so sweet! Using the splitter will certainly save time and the toll on your body.

  7. What a productive day you had! A log splitter is definitely a game changer. You may be surprised by how many of your plants have survived the downed trees.

  8. You'll be surprised how well your plants will come through all of the logging:).
    Sock colors are fun.

  9. Glad you got a wood splitter going! WE may have to find one. There are more trees we will have to take down. No plants even trying here yet. Soon, I hope . Your crocus photo is really beautiful !

  10. Oh, that wood is so dense--it has to weigh a ton!
    Take care. Good progress on the socks!

  11. Here at my MIL's, she has rows and rows of daffodil leaves sticking up. So many I feel like we're in Holland! But only one small clump of them are blooming so far.

  12. Those flowers are so beautiful! Liana
