Sunday, March 15, 2020

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

 A few weeks ago I was wrapping soap every night in anticipation of my March Giveaway but alas.....that is not to be. I'd like nothing more than give you all a new bar of soap for all this hand washing we are doing but mailing soap means standing in line at the Post Office over a period of several days and I'm not doing that right now. No one my age should be. Sigh.....

That box is only half the soap btw. The other half is still on the drying racks. Some of the bars were so big I had to order a larger shrink wrap band for them. Now my big beauties will just have to wait out this social isolation thing with the rest of us.

Ditto for the big box of goat cards I made to ride along with all that lovely goat's milk soap long before I had ever heard about the corona virus. Hopefully, sometime in April life as we know it will resume.

Until then-keep calm and wash your hands.


  1. No. No. No. You should NOT stand in line at the post office. Good call Debra. I have to go to the store one more time but I'm thinking Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. There shouldn't be many people there then should there? I just need a few things. I forgot powdered milk and I know if we're stuck inside long we'll run out of regular milk. Also a few other fun things that will make this forced isolation a bit easier. Like chocolate. And maybe ice cream. I'm not going to the store on a weekend and I think Monday will be needed for restocking. So Tuesday early sounded like a good idea to me. What do you think?
    I may be trying the ordering online thing before all this is over.

    1. We are doing the same thing. I told The Mister he could make a quick dash to the store early Tuesday morning. He needs milk-if there is any. My sister said the shelves were bare yesterday. I bought two cases of soy milk for myself and The Mister laughed. He's not laughing anymore.

  2. I've been feeling so raw that staying home is the best place for me anyway! I only drink water so I am good for that-not interested in food.
    The soap is glorious and will wait without spoiling so that is great! Take care!

  3. I live in small town, in Iowa. Post office is usually 6-8 people line. I walked in and was only person there. Went next day to put letters in outside box, empty again. If your out, try driving by.

  4. Your health and safety definitely come first!
    Personally, I've still got a pile of your lovely soaps, so I'm well stocked!
    Those little goat cards are too cute!

  5. With two confirmed cases right in my town (which is pretty small) and since I have lupus, I will be indoors for sure. But I'm thankful that I have much to keep me busy and can still be in touch with everyone. Because I can't always get to the store I am usually pretty stocked up but to be sure there will be things I've forgotten! My husband, however, is not used to dealing with being home so I'm thinking up chores and projects to keep him busy. Thank goodness for video chats so keeping in touch with people isn't difficult - I miss my kids and grandkiddos but can still have fun conversations! Take care and keep washing -

  6. The soaps are just beautiful and the cards are adorable! Good call on not standing in line at the post office or even going to the post office. This is all so surreal. I look forward to returning to my ordinary life.

  7. Stay safe my friend, no visits to the post office for a while. Go out only if absolutely necessary. Stay safe.

  8. Oh gosh! I love the look of that marbled soap! You should definitely not be standing in line at the post office though. Glad you are taking precautions. Stay well!
