Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Keep Calm and Knit On

As long as I wasn't watching my retirement fund disappear, yesterday was a glorious day. It was in the 70's. Unheard of in usually miserable March. We split and hauled wood all morning. That giant pile is from ONE tree and we aren't even done with it yet.

 As for knitting, the man sock was naughty AGAIN. I had to rip out the heel flap when I realized that I had not counted the stitches out evenly. It was lopsided and way too big. What a silly, rookie mistake. Argh......I don't think this sock wants to be done.

 The Lana Grossa twins are this big now. Blue is winning at the moment.

The pink Opal is heading to the toe. It should be a done deal in the near future. Sort of like my poor little retirement account. Sigh.....
All of a sudden my ginormous stash doesn't seem so silly anymore.


  1. Oh Deb, it is worrisome to watch the Market fall . Hugs. I love your socks especially the last ones you've shown. 2 of your four pair of socks, seem dark and I shy away from that.....you are a brave one! I haven't knit a sock in over a year. My sock mojo just poof! Disappeared but I love seeing everyone else's

  2. Beautiful socks and even the man sock gets the pleasure of re-knitting it! :-)
    Don't look at your retirement fund. I refuse to. I keep being told that it's just paper. It should come right back after this is all over. That's what "they" are saying and I so want to believe them. At this rate we'll never begin retirement life.

  3. Absolutely beautiful array of socks (even the naughty man sock). Don't look at your fund numbers--they will all bounce back soon. Breathe.

  4. I try not to think my IRA. Thankfully, I heeded my Dad’s advice of not putting my “eggs in one basket.” My fixed rate CDs are making me happy right now. You can start looking at your massive woodpiles as an alternative retirement fund.

  5. That's a hell of a lot of wood!! And I'm still humming the Monty Python Lumberjack song - lol. Your socks all look great and I'm with Betsy not looking at my funds...I would go crazy if I did.

  6. You can't control the market, it is similar to gambling...if you keep doing it sometimes you are gonna lose.

  7. That is a lot of wood from just one tree. Love the color of the yarn in the blue Lana Grossa sock. It's another beautiful spring day here in NC.

  8. sorry then man sock is not behaving. Why does that happen with some projects, but not others?

  9. That must have been a HUGE tree; I hope you have a wood stove! I've got a sock in the works that's fighting me, too; if you ever figure out why that happens, please let me know.

  10. Don't watch the markets! They will come back up by summer. Nice socks! :)

  11. Wow! That's a lot of wood!
    The stock market will bounce back when this virus hysteria is over. It may not grow as quickly as the yarn stash, but it will bounce back. Meanwhile, just keep knitting! That opal sock is Gorgeous!
