Monday, October 16, 2023

New Stuff


I've been on a bit of a buying spree lately. I know I'm going to be cooped up during The Mister's recovery time so I've been telling myself I deserve some new stuff. The first thing I bought was this wool pressing mat. Since I'm working on the dining room table again, I didn't want to drag out the ironing board. The Mister is going to be hobbling around with his walker for a long while so I need to keep the floor clear and this should work better than the towel I've been using. It even came with the red silicon iron mat. 

When we were on the fox hunt I found this Little Prince fabric on Etsy. It's going to be another project bag when I get the time. I also ordered two Little Prince tote bags but they are not here yet. 

The most ridiculous things that I bought this week were two more Q Snaps just so I would have a frame for these two Halloween projects that I never work on.  I am too lazy to ever take something off the frames I already have. Now I won't have an excuse for not working on them. They won't be done by this Halloween, that's for sure but maybe by next if I don't pack them away. 


  1. I'm glad I don't use Q snaps!! Love your wool pressing mat - wonderful.

  2. I love both of your Halloween projects! What did you do with Rainbow Kitty? Love the pressing mat. Please report on how it works for you.

  3. I understand the buying spree--I've added some furniture for my room and the lanai while I've been cooped up in my room! lol The mat looks interesting--I've been tempted to buy one!
