Sunday, October 15, 2023

Lightening Quick


It's time to get rid of the fall soap but I have to do it FAST. The Mister is having his surgery on Thursday so I'll only be mailing it out until Wednesday. So don't hesitate. Let me know what you want asap.

First up are the plain Janes. Unscented, no color. On the left, Plain Ole Goat. On the right, Oatmilk, the vegan version. The dark color is made with vanilla powder and smells like nothing. 

Oatmeal and Honey, on the left, and Pumpkin, on the right, are lightly scented. 

Wood Oudh, on the left, and Earth Meets Sky, on the right, are the strongest scented ones. They are earthy and a bit musky. 

All Souls Night, on the left is definitely patchouli. Avocado and Hemp, on the right, has a light citrusy scent.

Then there are the last three that I have a hard time telling apart. They also smell very similar. On the top are Honey Crisp, on the left, and Honey Butter on the right. The bottom is Apple Crisp. They are all very mild and smell mostly like sweet apples and honey. 

I spent yesterday wrapping and labeling half of them. I had a glitch with the printer. It wanted to print the ingredients in light blue which you couldn't read so I stamped over it and added a bigger label on the back. I did forget to add hemp to the list for the Avocado and Hemp soap so if you are sensitive, steer clear. 

Soap etiquette (and the FDA) demands that you include directions so I've made some little cards that remind you to keep it out of your eyes, rinse well and keep it dry between uses. 

You regulars know what to do. Message me your details over on Ravelry or at If you got soap from me last time I already have your address. If not, include your address and your three choices. I'll see that you get two of them. 

And.....if you don't see this post before the Tuesday deadline, I might be offering the leftovers up once we're past the worst of the recovery period. Watch this space. 

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