Friday, October 6, 2023



We finally caved in and got a security system. After our neighbors experience with someone trying to smash their sliding glass door in with a rock in in the middle of the night we thought we'd better. We're just two oldies now and one of us is going to be out of commission for a while again. 

I spent yesterday running around sticking sensors all over the house and doing set up stuff. I have to say the set up was pretty easy. 

Alexa has a friend. I've got two female robot voices talking to me all day now. One keeps me safe and the other wants to sell me stuff. It's all so 2001 A Space Odyssey isn't it? I think I'm going to call this one Hal. 

And....I've got a new lawn ornament. Nothing says contents contain some feeble old folks more than stuff like 


  1. Still a very good idea in this world. Glad it was an easy set-up!

  2. Better safe than sorry, as they say.

  3. Good for you! I hope it gives you the peace of mind you want. We had an alarm system at our house in Spokane because we were gone at the lake so much. It felt good to have it when we were gone. At home I never wanted to set it because I was afraid I would forget to turn it off and on. That would be like me. :-)

  4. We've got cameras all over the house (door bell camera on front and side door) and seven or eight cameras covering the rest of the property - outside ONLY! Dave wants them inside the house too and I told him absolutely NOT!
    Next is the window/door alarms like you have.
    Whatever you do... do NOT watch the creepy doorbell camera shows on Youtube - they will make you paranoid like Dave.
    I have no issue with the cameras and alarms, especially since he has the cars, and I have a small firearm collection in the house (in a safe, and all properly secured with trigger locks and all)...both make us potential targets for thieves (more so than the usual TV/house theft stuff) but the level of security he would like would rival Fort Knox! He's constantly checking the cameras from his phone - and he has two monitors set up that show them all - one in his music studio, and one in the garage.

  5. Home security systems are almost a necessity anymore.
