Sunday, October 8, 2023

Another Last


We got up early yesterday to go to the end of the season Farmer's Market before the rains came. It was a lovely cool, gray morning. My kind of weather. 

The Mister needed his Whoopie Pie fix and I needed.....

Some things to roast. I brought home some squash and potatoes.

The real star of the show were the pumpkins. They had piles in every shape, size and color. People were loading them up in carts and hauling them away.

I only have one of the teeniest of the tiniest but it jump started my leap into fall. When I got home I pulled out my fall linens and changed out the door wreath. I guess there's no turning back now. 


  1. That looks like a really great Farmers Market. Theose pumpkins are great and I love your teeny tiny one.

  2. Nope. Once you buy the pumpkin, it is FALL!

  3. Buying the pumpkin and having the weather cool is a very good sign it's Fall for you!!!!

  4. I have to resist the urge to buy every pumpkin and gourd I see! The house would be overrun with them if I had my way, lol!
