Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Dearly Departed


My beloved old LG phone died the other day. I've been performing life saving maneuvers on it almost daily but it was time to say goodbye. This is its replacement. It was the cheapest thing I could find. Like a big dummy I transferred everything over on to it before I realized it didn't come with a charger. It came with lots of cords but NO CHARGER. So....I had to turn it off until I get a charger here which means I've got no way to take or transfer photos to the blog until I do. If I disappear, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just waiting for the #$*#&! charger to show up. 


  1. New technology is always such a pain and I dread getting new. You have to learn a whole new phone and transfer everything. And I'm no good at any of it.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. How does a phone not come with a charger!!!! Sheesh. Hope Amazon (or whomever) works their magic quickly.

  3. That's frustrating!!! Why the heck wouldn't it come with a charger???

  4. There's nothing like technology to raise your blood pressure! I argued with my printer for over an hour before it would print--I didn't think I wanted to much when I turned it on and pressed 'PRINT'!!!! lol
