Thursday, October 5, 2023

More WIPs


Even though it has not been sweater weather around here my sweaters have been in progress. I added the top snowflake row and the small squggly row on Bon Amie last week. I do one row a day every morning.

Ridarri's first sleeve is growing-slowly. I am supposed to be working on this after dinner but I've been lazy. 

The Big Gray Blob gets worked on every night before bed and is finally ready to have all of its ribbing knit. I had saved it all until I could feel better about the length of everything but I think it's time. At least I hope so. 

And......Nancy in WY sent me this beautiful kitty puzzle. I've never seen one like it. The pieces are like little works of art. Thanks so much Nancy! I'm going to need some quiet things to keep my mind busy in the near future when I get to play nursemaid during our next big adventure. In two weeks to the day. 


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous sweaters Debbie. Love the Bon Amie. It boggles my mind to think of knitting it though. And that puzzle is a wonderful gift. Hopefully it will be just what you need during The Misters recovery.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Love the pattern on Riddari's sleeve. That is going to be a stunning sweater.
