Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


Between my Echo and my phone I spent the Monday and yesterday listening to alert notifications for flooding and wind. Flooding doesn't worry us but wind sure does. We are surrounded by huge poplars that fall over if you even look at them. One took out my Mini Cooper two years ago. I'm still in mourning. 

I have no idea at this time how the storm turned out because I wrote this post before it got here anticipating the worst. If I disappear, you know it was bad. They've already closed schools for the afternoon. It was a good morning for knitting though. This is the replacement sweater for Son. It has the shawl collar and pockets he requested. 

The original cardi is also back in business. I got it back on the needles from the cables it was on for sizing and added a few more rows. I'm not too far from the sleeve split so that's good news. 

My travel knit, Riddari, has one sleeve done and another started. 

And....that ugly handspun is now being turned into a not too shabby Croc sock. I am striping it with another similar weight and color orphan handspun and I like it. Handspun makes a nice thick sock that I like to pull on over my regular socks when it's really cold or wet outside. As much as I love my colorful Crocs, mine have holes in them so a double layer of warm wool is a necessity in the winter. 
Now I'm off to fill up buckets, prepare the lower level for sleeping and cook dinner even though it's still morning. If the power goes out, we lose water and that's never fun. 
See you on the other side. 


  1. Nice knitting progress. Hoping your storm wasn't too bad. I talked with a friend in MD last night and she was fine. We did have a lot of wind and a lot of rain, but a new day has dawned!

  2. I do hope things turned out okay for you. We had 4+ inches of rain, so I was up until 1:30 pumping out the cellar so the water didn't reach the furnace, but our power only flickered a few times. I'm not looking forward to another inch of rain on Friday now that the ground is completely saturated. All of your sweaters are looking good and your sock looks really nice! Overdyeing and striping with another yarn was a great idea.

  3. We had tornado warnings every hour or so! It was quite the storm and another on the way! The newly spun yarn looks great! That's a good use for the yarn! Hope you didn't get slammed by the storms too badly!

  4. Love the sock beginning. The over dyeing worked beautifully.

  5. Hope all went well.

    It was a pretty crazy night here. Power DID stay on for the most part, but it popped off a couple of times.

    The last time this happened in November it fried the mother boards in the stove and refrigerator. So far the stove is fine. Hoping the fridge is too. THAT was an expensive bunch of repairs.

  6. Hope all went well.

    It was a pretty crazy night here. Power DID stay on for the most part, but it popped off a couple of times.

    The last time this happened in November it fried the mother boards in the stove and refrigerator. So far the stove is fine. Hoping the fridge is too. THAT was an expensive bunch of repairs.

  7. Wow everything looks great but I do love that sweater (and the overdyed socks are good!). I hope all is well with you. We had high winds yesterday but no power outages (a miracle!).

  8. I hope the storm passed by you. We're supposed to have more snow tomorrow night into Friday. I like your knits. And I really do like the socks and their color.
    Take care and stay warm. We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow. Blech.

  9. Hope you are OK! We had a lot of wind here also, and I spent a while this morning picking up lots of pine branches. I always love seeing your projects, and these new ones are great. Nice work on that sock and its pretty yarn!
