Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Down the Rabbit Hole


When Daughter gave me all those Barbies something snapped inside. I've spent the first days of the new year on Ebay buying even more. The prices there are better than anywhere in case you ever needed that knowledge and many sellers are offering free shipping. I bought this one. It was a must for my new collection. This is NOT the one I had. I had the red-haired bubble cut original but this was a close as I could get. This is the one my sister had.

I bought Reproduction Midge. This is the one I had. My youngest sister had that blue green dress and I loved it. Now I'll have one when it gets here. 

I splurged on the two previous dolls because they were not cheap. Then I went looking for dolls under $20 with free shipping and the gates to heaven opened up. I got a 1995 Holiday Barbie and....

....a 1995 Winter Fantasy Barbie.

Finally I just had to have this one. She was only $14 and free shipping. I couldn't resist that. 

All this madness started when I went looking for clothes for the Barbies I had. What I discovered was that current Barbie clothes are TERRIBLE. Back in the day, our Barbies were sophisticated. They dressed like rich women. That's what I wanted but all I found were ugly neon garments that a tween would be wearing. That is so not the Barbie I knew and loved. I did find this decent wedding dress and Walmart had it delivered the next day but that's it in the clothing department. I guess today's Barbie runs around in her bathing suit all day.

None of them are coming out of their boxes until I get a case for them. This is the one I had in the day. I could fit my Barbie, Midge and Skipper in it.

We kept their clothes in the wardrobe that came with the bedroom set we had. 

What I found was this case. It holds six Barbies and has mesh pockets for their gear. I bought two since I soon will be the owner of 9 Barbies and a Midge. Madness I tell you, but I've had more fun in the past few days than I have had all year so I'm going to ignore that crazy alarm that is going off in my head. 

That Barbie movie that started this year's craze. HATED IT. It was definitely a movie for Millennials or Gen Z Barbie fans. That's not the Barbie I knew. As I said before, our Barbies were classy, none of that Malibu Barbie stuff. 

Our Barbies were women not teens and dressed like it. It says a lot about the current state of fashion that they can't even make a Barbie that looks like a contemporary adult. I suppose she'd be in sweat pants with a messy bun with a Starbucks cup in one hand and a phone in the

And........The Mister did indeed get good news about his knee. He's now at 120-whatever that means. The surgeon would like to see 125 when he sees him again in 3 months but for now NO MORE PROCEDURES just a few more weeks of PT. I guess those black eyed peas did the trick. In 2022 it was Pup and her hip, 2023 was the year for The Mister's hip and knee so may this please, please be a surgery free year? I'm asking nicely. 


  1. You are cracking me up with all the Barbie interest from me at all. I do have my Barbie from back in the day along with the case, but that is somewhere at the back of a closet. Good news for The Mister!!

  2. Your Barbies are a trip down memory lane for me! It was especially nice to see that last photo of the blonde Barbie in the fur-trimmed suit -that's the one I had and she had that dress, too. I can still recall the feel of the fabric when I was dressing her. My sister and I each had our own Barbies but we only had one Ken and he wore his bathing suit all the time. I'm excited to see all your Barbies when you get them. Congratulations on the good knee news and I hope there is no surgery in 2024!

  3. Memory lane for all the Barbie things!!!! Maybe if we mature women dressed to the nines, the doll would reflect that; I am almost always in yoga pants and tshirts! lol

  4. I had a trip down memory lane with this one. My first Barbie had that blue/green dress and I still have it. I have my Barbies here. Mandy returned them because Piper is apparently over the Barbie phase. I have no idea what to do with them. I also have my two original cases. Ken has disappeared somewhere along the way but I have lots of clothes, some crocheted. I should send the lot along to you!
    Great news for The Mister! Dennis also got the okay esterday to take the splint off for normal day to day. If he lifts anything heavy or shovels snow, etc. he has to wear it. He goes back to the surgeon at the end of Feb.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Oh, and I agree about Barbies. They've change a lot over the years and in my opinion, not for the better.

  6. I hope it IS a year of no medical issues at all!!!

  7. Arctic Barbie cracks me up! Yes they have changed a lot--I hope all your Barbie dreams come true. I also was not enchanted by the Barbie movie.

  8. I am loving all the Barbie stuff and you're making me want to dig mine all out of the closet and play with them (yes - I still have them all - 80s and 90s Barbies!)

    1. The four that Daughter gave me are 80's reproduction Re-winds that came out two years ago. The guy gave them to her because he knew she was born in the 80's. They are so much better than the Barbies you can get now.

  9. Your post took me down memory lane and made me smile. Barbie sure has changed, not for the better, if you ask me … no one ever asks me.
    I’m so happy you’ve found so much for your fun collection, enjoy every tiny shoe! Sending you good wishes for a healthy year without any issues. Happy New Year, Virginia
