Friday, November 24, 2023

There and Back Again


We took the long drive to Daughter's house for a Thanksgiving lunch and were home before dark. I'm still doing the driving and because of a retina condition I can't see very well once the sun goes down. 

SIL smoked a turkey again this year while Daughter and I got the side dishes on the table. Baby Grand and I celebrated quite loudly the arrival of Santa at the end of the Macy's parade. 

Somebody was very anxious for us to get the food on the table. The smell of that turkey was driving her crazy. She was not on her best behavior.

The highlight of the day was seeing all the Grands interacting on Face Time. The Big Grands found the newest Grand, who is up in Michigan, hilarious. He put on quite the show for us. I don't think any of us have laughed so hard in a while. It was a short-but very sweet day. 


  1. Sweet days with lots of laughter and you're home before dark are the best!

  2. Oh wow - look how big Baby Grand is already! My goodness!

  3. Glad you had a fun time with family!

  4. They sure do grow too quickly, don't they?! I think Pup misbehaved bc you were playing with Baby Grand instead! It looks like a good day--so glad you could go!

  5. I'm so glad your day was a wonderful one with lots of love and laughter...and even greeting Santa Claus! Mine was much quieter here by myself but, after three full days being sick, woke up feeling SO much better today. We went to the zoo and I walked the equivalet of just over 5 miles according to my watch. Then it was home to Mandy's for yesterday's leftovers and a new to us Christmas movie recommended by our London DIL. It's on youtube and is called "The Snowman". It's after a popular childrens book of the same name. She says it's tradition in the UK to watch it every year.
    Tomorrow is their last day here and we plan on spending it with all of our kids that are here along with some of their cousins who have been invited over for the afternoon. Lots of fun. Oh, and opening Christmas presents for the visiting kids.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I showed The Snowman to my class every year on the last day before winter break. I get tears in my eyes whenever I hear the score. It's so hauntingly beautiful. George Winston does a great version of it. The intro by David Bowie is especially poignant now that he's gone.

    2. "T" says the same thing about the music. It IS very, very beautiful. They're taking Baby J to the theatre next week to see a live performance of it on the West End. She said they watched it every year together as a family whilst she was growing up. (Did you catch that British, whilst?) I could listen to our sweet DIL talk all day long. :-)

  6. Sounds like you had a very nice day!
