Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday


Well, there it is. The big finish. That's me cutting off the Needles and Pins sampler. I put the last stitch in Sunday morning. 

This is a pretty pitiful mug shot but it's the best I could do in my living room campground on a cloudy day. I started it in 2011. This was the year Son, Daughter and Nephew each got married and I was fired up by all the weddings to stitch a wedding sampler for me and The Mister. Many times while I was working on it I wondered if the marriage was going to last as long as the stitching process but we're still hanging in there in spite of it all....lol.

I was all fired up to get this latest baby sampler started but alas, that was not to be. It seems I don't understand centimetres and this thing that looked so small in the photo is in fact BIG. Too big to gift to someone. It's 24 inches long. No one has that kind of wall space so I have sent away for a smaller one from the same company. It has to get here from the UK so it will be a while.

Until it gets here I suppose I'll work on my Village Quaker-one of many projects I've got waiting patiently for a little attention. 



  1. Congratulations! What a pretty finish. I also love your Village Quaker.

  2. What a beautiful finished sampler! It doesn't matter how long it took, it's done! The baby sampler is really nice too but you're right, that's pretty big. Meanwhile the Village Quaker is a great piece to stitch on. I'm still working on the Christmas ornaments with a bit of knitting thrown in to change things up.

  3. It's beautiful! (how well I know how much pressure a reno project puts on a couple!)

  4. WOW!!! The Needles and Pins sampler is just awesome! Hope you will have a special place to hang it as you get your home back to normal.

  5. That is fabulous! That's a lot of stitching, so I think you've done pretty darn well with it!!!
    This year is mine and Dave's 20-year anniversary (we count from our first date, not our ceremony, since that was 13 years later, lol) maybe I should make us some sort of sampler for that...
