Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tiny Needle Tuesday

 Ta dah! The November block is done and you can see I took your advice and made the last one a different color. Lavender to be precise. A grayish lavender. I stitched it in three different colors before I found one I liked. I had to go outside the charted colors from the pattern because none of them were working for me.

 Here's a reminder of what this project looked like this time last year. I've got one block to go and it will be completely done. I hardly ever finish anything so I am very impressed with myself.

If my dining room table wasn't ground zero for the kitchen remodeling I would be working on this Thanksgiving project I started last year. The place is such a mess I'm just going to pack up my projects for the duration. Hopefully I can get the December Sheep Virtue block done sometime in December. By then I hope the worst will be over.


  1. Such a fancy sheep! Love it! Liana

  2. the one gray sheep is a perfect idea!
    That varigated color is beautiful for the word Thanksgiving! I hope you get to work on it in between renovation work!

  3. Love the little lavender sheep! What a great idea!

  4. Ah, he's darling! And as usual, you know how much I love this project.

  5. ❤️ the lavender sheep! I hope you have time to work on the final virtue block in December. This will be a beautiful piece when finished.

  6. Congrats on the finish! I agree the little lavender sheep just adds that special affect! Now I need to catch up on this new remodel. Off to read past posts. :-)

  7. What a wonderful personal touch to add to the sampler! I just love this sampler and look forward to seeing it completed and framed.

  8. She is perfect! I love those personifications, they make crafting even more fun!

  9. Love the lavender sheep! And I think you already know how much it kills me when you put away an almost finished project without finishing it. Yikes!
