Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


The heels are being turned on the Pairfect twins.

I've seemed to have gotten over the rough spot in the front band knitting on the gray blob. That V neck area was a killer. I'm on the straight and narrow now heading to the bottom ribbing but I'm not out of the woods yet. Seven more inches or so shall tell the tale but I'm not getting too excited just yet. Stuff happens.

I am battling a wicked case of startitis. I even wound up that ruby colored handspun in hopes of getting a shawl on the needles in the near future. Seven more inches of gray and I most certainly will. 

And....I most definitely will be picking up Bon Amie again. This is the year it will be finished. Well, maybe not 2024 since it's almost over but 2025 for sure. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday: October


It was a dark and gloomy week here so Peter Rabbit, with all those tiny and tedious color changes, got no attention. I did spend a lot of time with Matter's Choice and have practically finished the one side. In dim light, this black on white was no trouble at all to see or stitch.

It will be put away for the month of October so I can work on my witch sampler. I think my goal this year will be to finish that top box.

I didn't get Dear Jane assembled but I did get the pieces covered. It's going to need some appliqueing so I've got to get the foundation done first. did work to put Patchwork of the Crosses on my Dear Jane work table. I've now got some assembly going on and a big pile of crosses. The top two will need eight pieces to finish them off and then I get to decide what I'm going to applique them down on. I better start shopping because I know I don't have anything in the stash that will work.