Friday, October 4, 2024

All's Well That Ends Well


After a flurry of home remodeling, you might have been wondering why The Mister and I have been doing pretty much nothing for a few weeks now when there is still so much to be done. That hole in the ceiling and leaky pipe isn't going to fix itself. In his down time, The Mister, much to my dismay, finished my new Halloween puzzle. I never put in one piece.

I've been doing a few things here and there but mainly sitting in the living area and working on my own puzzle because......

....I never said anything up until now but last Wednesday Pup had some pretty serious surgery. She had a lump on her neck that kept getting bigger and bigger. After a needle biopsy a week before, it was determined that it was most likely the Big C so a big chunk of her had to come out. She's got a neck and back full of stitches and not at all happy about it so we have to watch her closely to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid with them until they come out. Yesterday we got the biopsy results from all the tissue they took and she does NOT have cancer after all. The lump had something to do with sweat glands and is completely benign. Whew. It's been quite the few weeks here of worrying and watching but we're finally breathing a sigh of relief.

We've still got until this Wednesday before all those awful stitches come out so I bought The Mister another autumn puzzle to keep him occupied. We take turns on Pup watch and it's been hard to do much of anything else. 


  1. I had hoped the leaky pipe had miraculously healed itself, but Pup watch is definitely more important. I'm glad the biopsy was benign and I hope she's much happier after Wednesday.

  2. Glad to hear your wee Pup is all fine, hope she recovers well from her surgery.

  3. So glad it wasn't something more serious! Give the little miss a gentle hug from me - that's a lot for a small pup to go through!

  4. That is such wonderful news about the biopsy results! So glad there is nothing life threatening to deal with. Just a few more days and then Pup will be much happier (and you guys also).

  5. Oh, my goodness. How worried you must have been. Glad to hear you got good news.

  6. So glad about Pup! Those lumpy bumpies are always so scary!

  7. What a relief!!!! Our fur babies mean so much to us! The puzzles are beautiful!
