Saturday, October 5, 2024

Well, That Didn't Work


Because of where Pup's incision is located she can't wear a collar or her harness so we've been stuck inside for days now. It wasn't so bad when it was raining but now that we've got some dry weather we all needed to get out. She likes the stroller we got her after her hip surgery and rides in it just fine when she's leashed in but it seems she does NOT like it when we zip up the front so she can't jump out. Our outing to the boardwalk yesterday was very short lived I'm sad to say. 

I had already set up the day's busy work so I can sit on the floor next to her making sure those stitches stay where they are supposed to. When she had her hip done they had glued it together so we didn't have the same issue. She also wasn't feeling like jumping all over the place like she is now. We are both glad to see her feeling like her old self again but it sure has been a tough week trying to keep up with her


  1. It's so hard to keep our pets inactive when they start feeling better! I'm glad you can do some handwork while keeping her company!

  2. I'm glad Pup is feeling better but hope that she gets those stitches out soon!
