Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


Woo hoo....I figured out how to bind off the double knitting band so the last Gray Blob is a done deal. If I hadn't had such a raging headache yesterday I would have cast on something new to celebrate but alas, I didn't do much of anything. The eyes just weren't having it. I spent the day napping instead.

Over the week I did get an inch or two more on the twins. I am very motivated to get these finished. I just need to sit my behind down and get them done. 

And....someone asked for the details on my Halloween stitching project and here they are. You can see in the photo there's a lot of ground still to cover, literally. And pumpkins. Lots and lots of pumpkins. 


  1. Congratulations on completing the Gray Blob and those socks are coming along nicely, too! They are right on time; it's getting chilly.

  2. I'm glad you have the grey sweater off the needles!!! You will be able to enjoy Bon Amie now!!!! I hope you are feeling better!

  3. Hooray! Can't wait to see what is next. And thanks for the info on the sampler.

  4. I cannot overstate how I love grey yarns, even blobby ones.
