Thursday, April 25, 2019


My batting order is here.

 So are my rescue fabrics. I ran out of the main colors for Daddio's Nine Patch. The off whites will work but alas, the navy will not. I've got another order in and if that fails I guess I'll have to hit Joann's. Who knew matching navy would be so hard?

This came along for the ride. I haven't used the Juki in ages so I need a refresher course before I hit any of those tops.

 The delay while I am waiting for more navy material is being put to good use. I have all of the Sunflower pieces cut out.

 I also have another Dear Jane in progress. I am really modifying the heck out of this block. It was...ugly. Sorry Jane but I can't lie. It was a dud.

 I'm using my little clips on the Jane corners now too. They don't look as funny as the squares did.

Yesterday I wrestled with one of those big rolls of batting and now I've got one top in the hoop. Making that quilt sandwich is my least favorite part of the process.

I couldn't decide if I was going to hand quilt this one or not but now I'm glad I decided to go ahead and do it by hand. There is just something about a quilt in a hoop that makes me want to sit down and stitch and I love a good excuse to sit and do anything.


  1. How do you like your Juki? I have been wanting to get one for some time now. I need a more heavy duty machine and I've been doing a little research on that brand.

    1. I love it but there was a steep learning curve for the free motion part. The walking foot was great. Lots of power.

  2. Such beautiful fabrics and that batting looks so fluffy! Your hand quilting is lovely. I think that there is nothing like hand quilting. I love to sit with a needle and a quilt. My least favorite part is binding. Ugh. I'm terrible at it. Now your hand piecing...I think I could get addicted to that so I haven't even begun trying it. :-)

  3. Your quilting is so beautiful! i’ve never done anything but straight lines.

  4. The time the must have saint in your background.
    Beautiful all.

  5. Such nice even stitches on your hand quilting. I doubt I would have the patience to take on a full-sized quilt. I've discovered that Navy and Red are very difficult colors to match.

  6. Your hand quilting is lovely! I really don't know how you do it ALL!!

  7. I admire your handquilting so much. The time it takes would drive me batty!
    Mom's always yelling at me to slow down on the longarm.... I'm a bit of a speed demon!

  8. Your hand quilting is exquisite! Those Dear Jane blocks that you keep making are amazing. Such tiny, intricate piecing but so beautiful.

  9. I admire your talent. I really do Deb!!

  10. Nice work on the hand stitching! Matching any neutral is harder than you'd think-look how hard it is to match black!

  11. Wow! That wedding ring (??? I'm not up on my quilt names) quilt is Gorgeous! Those beautiful fabrics deserve the extra attention of hand quilting.

  12. Love the colors in that Wedding Ring quilt, and your beautiful hand quilting is just perfect for it. I'm with on the the sandwich making; it's tough!
