Monday, June 21, 2021

Some Father's Day Excitement


My vacuum cleaner blew up and caught fire yesterday morning when I was vacuuming the down stairs. It looked like a roman candle and filled the area with smoke. It scared the beejeezus out of me. The Mister was still asleep as it was Father's Day and he had a tooth pulled on Friday so he was trying to sleep in. He had a pretty rude awakening. Needless to say it was not the best of days for the old guy but it was the most excitement we've had around here in a long 


  1. Yikes!!! That's scary. Hope all is ok (and that the Mister's mouth is ok too).

  2. Oh my goodness! I can imagine how rude an awakening that was for him. I'm glad all is well and it's only the vacuum that burned.

  3. Whoa! I bet that got the heart pumping!

  4. Eek! That must have been scary! Hope all is well now and that your DH is feeling lots better.

  5. No one needs that much excitement! Glad you are all safe.

  6. Oh heaven help you two! That is NOT a big funny, but Im laughing. WITH YOU. Makes me rethink the Ilife robotic vacuum. I have never left the house with it on, but I know friends who program it for their sleep time. Or for when they are on Vacation , so they come home to clean floors.......

  7. Scary when electronics go wrong!!! Glad it wasn't worse and you can laugh about it already!
