Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Very Tiny Needle Tuesday


The tiniest of all my needles, my quilting betweens, have been hard at work this week on the scrappy hexie table runner. 

I've been watching Euro Cup soccer and paper piecing at the same time. I've got one more whole row done and just started another. 

I've discovered if I join just five pieces at a time and then sew them on leaving the last one unsewn for future joining it's a lot easier than trying to sew on a whole row of 20 pieces at one time. 

Here's a view of the back for those of you curious about the process. The paper comes out when the whole thing is done. Kate at the Last Homely House on You Tube has been giving excellent tutorials on the process and you should see the full sized quilt she is making for her granddaughter using this method. It really is a work of art....and patience. 


  1. Oh Debbie, that is beautiful. I've been wanting to try paper piecing but I don't know that I have the patience for it. Thank you for showing all of the steps.

  2. This is pretty spectacular! I think the smaller groups is a great idea--I'm glad it is making it easier to handle.

  3. You MUST have the patience of a saint.
    Beautiful. I would go mad trying anything like that. :)

  4. IF i knew how to sew, I'd take your word for it and watch the tutorial. I love watching you put these together like a honeycomb

  5. Even though they’re fiddly, hexies are fun to make. I like the idea of adding a group rather than one at a time.
