Saturday, December 1, 2018


 This is the last square in the Sheep Virtues sampler. A whole year has gone by already. Wow.

 All the November samplers are packed up and put away and the winter ones have taken their place in the sewing box.

 I also ran through the house yesterday packing up all the fall stuff. I bought this puzzle to work on in early November thinking it would last the month. The Mister had it done it days. He's already started on one his Christmas puzzles. He collects the Hallmark ones and he has quite a stack.

 I took all the fall stuff down but I didn't replace it with holiday stuff. I have to be in the mood and I'm not there yet. It takes me a week or so into the month to realize the holiday's not going away and I better do something about it.

 I did throw that pumpkin pie away. I was proud of myself. I could have eaten the whole thing but I didn't.

 I should be tossing out the Halloween Jack O'Lantern too. I turn it around and use it in November in the front bed as a Thanksgiving decoration. By now it's usually rotted but it's been so cold it's been perfectly preserved.

This surprise package almost got me into the holiday mood today. Almost. It's from Mary S who is all the way out in California. The Mister LOVES this candy. He had a co-worker who used to bring it into to work and when he saw it he was all for diving in. Not yet. I have plans for this. Holiday plans. It'll just have to wait.
Thanks again, Mary!


  1. I always love to see those sampler squares. I can understand not wanting to get rid of the fall decorations. I had mine up for so long I was ready to see them go. I’m not putting much up for Christmas this year though. I love Sees candy too. I had never heard of it until we moved to Spokane. It can be quite addicting! Blessings, Betsy

  2. A friend gave me a box of See's candy several years ago - it's heavenly stuff. I have a pile of puzzles stored in the garage. I hope to find a good place to set up the puzzle table.

  3. My mind is really having a hard time adjusting to the fact that it's December - I think it always does that because it means I'm coming up to a birthday! I'll be putting up my decorations early this year because dearson#2 is coming home to spend a few days with us before Christmas - he couldn't get leave during Christmas week so I'll adjust to two celebrations this year!

  4. Your fall projects were all so pretty. I can see not wanting to put them away. My Christmas decorating is very minimal this year and I am loving it. (I will never be a minimalist though.) Enjoy the candy.

  5. Nothing like a good puzzle and a box of chocolates!!!
