Sunday, December 16, 2018

Over the Hill

I've been over the hill for a long time now but I think today it's official. Now when I need medical care I HAVE to hand over my Medicare card. I feel ancient. I used to hand over Daddio's tattered old card all the time and now it's MY turn.  I should also mention they take a nice big chunk out of your Social Security to pay for the fun of being old. Sigh....

This is Sally doing a great impression of how I am feeling.
The only good thing about me being 65 today is that for most of last year I thought I was already 65. It's almost like I gained a year. Almost. Waaaaah...


  1. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Yes, but the medical coverage is fantastic.

  3. Happy Birthday my friend. We are all getting older but the alternative is to not be here so I'll take it. I am looking forward to when I can get social security but that won't be for a while because I think I can't even get it until I am 67. But Medicare would help so much, medical insurance is soooooo expensive. Enjoy your day.

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fun and peaceful day!
    When I had to arrange my social security coverage I was in such a horrible mood that my husband looked at me and said, "You're not going 'gentle into that good night' are you?" I think I pretty much told him to fasten his seat belt and I'm pretty sure I looked just like Sally!

  5. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!*

    -Mary S.

  6. I hope your birthday was a good one despite the fact that you have to use Medicare now. Honestly, I’m looking forward to the day when I can have Medicare. My poor husband will never be able to retire because of my medical issues. No one will ensure me, and if they will, the premiums are way out of our price bracket. Anyway, didn’t mean to get off track! Ha! Hoping your birthday was a wonderful one for you. Blessings always, Betsy

  7. Happy birthday, Deb!
    Personally, I can't wait to claim Medicare. I think you should enjoy the privilege -- even though it is far from free.
    Hope you had a fun birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead filled with much love and happiness!

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day and here's to a fabulous new year.

  10. And happy birthday to you a bit late!
    I love it when people complain about the free medicare Seniors 'get'! If only they live long enough to know....
