Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


As February comes to a close my interest in my red project is waning. I would have liked to have finished that ring of flowers around the people before it's packed away but I've got other projects that are calling my name right now.

Whenever I get spring fever I want to work on The Village Quaker. It's the one on the bottom. All those flowers in pinks and blues are where I always want to spend my time during the miserable month of March when it will be wet and windy. March always feels colder to me than any of the winter months.

Green Tea will get a reprieve. I'm still want to work on it even though it's going to be slow going once I get into all those color changes on the inside of the block. 

Speaking of green, look what The Mister brought home from the grocery store. We're both a big fan of fried green tomatoes and these are the first of what I hopes to be a very long season for them.

And......I've got another green thing to share. I don't have any soap to show off today because when I went into my clay stash I realized I didn't have any. Since this will be the last soap making adventure until fall I really wanted to make a batch of unscented clay soap. It's a favorite of mine for those hot, humid summer months when I am usually covered in bug bites or poison ivy. I am very happy to say that my shipment of fresh new clay additives-including a big container of my very favorite French Green Clay are finally here. By the time you read this I hope to have a loaf in the mold. 


  1. Village Quaker is so pretty. Do you just have that one corner to finish?

    1. Sadly no. There's a whole other border that has to be done.

  2. Village Quaker is gorgeous - enjoy your stitching!

  3. I can see why you would want to work on The Village Quaker. It does look like spring. I had no idea you could buy green tomatoes in the grocery store (or maybe I'm not very observant). We always have a bunch at the end of the garden season but no real use for them. French Green Clay sounds very fancy and I hope your pour went well.

  4. You have lots of fun and beautiful projects in the works!

  5. You have so many beautiful projects in progress!

  6. What fun to pick and choose from your needlework projects!!!! The green clay soap will look gorgeous!
