Saturday, February 10, 2024

She Loves You


I turned on the news yesterday morning and was gobsmacked by the news that it was the 60th anniversay of the Beatles appearing on Ed Sullivan. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I don't remember JFK being assassinated or the moon landing but I remember this day as well as I remember where I was when I heard John had died. 

I was a ten year old very serious miss who dreamed of growing up to be a ballerina. From that night on all I wanted to be was Mrs. John Lennon. 

That certainly never happened but my love affair with The Beatles never waned. For those of you who have been here long enough to remember my skating days-when I was in charge of costumes and scenery for our production and performing teams, The Beatles showed up every chance I could sneak them in. Here I am being silly while waiting to perform With a Little Help From my Friends and Blackbird in a show with my lady group SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.

Some of you might remember how I slaved over sewing all that scenery for our Yellow Submarine production in 2016. During our summer rehearsals I got to play the shark....

....but during that competitive season I had to play Pink Jelly Fish on the right in the Octopus's One of our skating dad's wanted to play the shark much to my dismay. 

60 YEARS. Can you believe it? And John's been gone 44. Sometimes I find myself wondering what John would make of the world today. I'm sure he would have had a lot to say. 



  1. I'm sorry you never got to be Mrs. John Lennon, but I love the look back at your Beatles retrospective! You were a better shark than the skating dad; his black skates clash. The pink jellyfish on the right does stand out!

  2. I do love all of these photos of the beatles sets and props that you made for the shows. And I do indeed remember the Yellow Submarine an I do enjoy seeing in you in all of your costumes.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Lovely memory lane!!!! They sure were foundational to several generations but especially ours!
