Thursday, June 15, 2023

Take a Look...


We've been watching the new library being built for about a year now and just learned after reading an article about it in a local newspaper that......

...the crazy roof we've been wondering about is supposed to be an open book. Makes sense. Now every time I walk past it I have to sing the Reading Rainbow theme. Butterfly in the sky....


  1. Of all the shows Stephen watched when he was a kid, Reading Rainbow was the best. Where in The World is Carmen San Diego might be second best.

  2. I thought it looked crazy too, but you're right. Now it makes sense and is kind of cool too.

  3. Yeah... that totally made me think of Zoolander and his Centre for Kids who can't read good!

  4. Seeing it from the air will be cool, too. I wonder if they will have writing on the pages?!
