Sunday, June 11, 2023

Let There Be Dragons


Every year the beach hosts a dragon boat race to benefit the county charities that feed the hungry. 

It's been a few years since we've been to one for one reason or another but yesterday we got up early and made it to the 8 am starting time. 

It's a big street festival with vendors and food trucks stretched all along the main drag. The smoke was gone and the weather was beautiful.

The Mister and I really enjoyed it. Pup-not so much. The loud music and the crowds make her very anxious even in her stroller. She's used to having this place pretty much to herself on most days. 

She was having a hissy fit until......we hit the food truck area. A bite of the best fries ever and a hot dog quieted her down for a while. A milk bone from the visitor's center didn't hurt either.

We stuck around to about noon and then called it a day. It was nap time. We haven't had this much fun or excitement in a long while and all three of us were worn out. put some icing on the cake, when we got home I found a package in the mailbox. Lucy in KY had sent me a surprise package filled with goodies. It's all wonderful and very much appreciated. Thanks, Lucy!


  1. Good to see the Mister out and about. I'm sure he loved getting to see something fresh. I'm sure you did too. Glad the weather cooperated.

  2. Sounds like a very fun day! Great to see your DH pushing the stroller.

  3. Looks like your husband is doing great. How wonderful to get out and enjoy a beautiful day.

  4. It looks like a really fun time for all three of you. It's great to see The Mister out pushing the stroller for Pup.

  5. How nice to have a bit of excitement of the good kind!!! It looks like it was a lot of fun!

  6. So fun! I certainly can't stay out as long as I used to before needing a nap.

    Last night, I was looking forward to a nice quiet night in front of the TV... but Dave wanted to go out - in his words. "I've been in the house for days and I'm going stir crazy!!!"...
    It was Monday... the last time we'd gone out was Friday. TWO DAYS and he goes stir crazy. And he has THREE cars... he can go out whenever he wants... but no... I have to drive. So we went to Walmart. Lol
