Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Little Herd

 I have to admit that when I went looking for goat themed stamp sets I was disappointed by what I found. I really didn't like this set.

It just goes to show you that first impressions are not always right. I think it's the cutest thing ever now that I am about 14 cards in.

You can even dress them up. Happy birthday goats? Yes, please.


  1. Oh my gosh! I think they are the cutest things ever. Just look at their faces.
    As a former teacher I thought I would pass on the news that Piper's conference went very well Wednesday and she has officially learned all of her 1st grade reading words and math and has been given 2nd grade level work! She's a smart cookie. Grandma knew that, but it's nice to know her teacher thinks so too. :-)

  2. I love the goats! Goats in hats? Please and thank you!

  3. I love those goats. They are totes adorbs!

  4. Who won't smile seeing those goats! Very cute design!

  5. Those little goats are just adorable! Even more so when you add the hats and balloons.

  6. Oh lil Goats!! our friends got two last spring and they were antisocial and she was so sad. She had to get a third from another breeder who was friendly . They are coming around slowly. !!

  7. Your goats are adorable and those birthday goats... Too cute!!
