Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Felines

Hoover doesn't just love boxes, he loves paper. He has a ball with the paper filler that comes in the Chewy box every month. He rips it, tears it, drags it around and finally..............

.......gets it just right. Right enough for a snooze. If your main daily activity is making a comfy place to take a nap I'd say you're winning.


  1. Hoover is a doll. All of our cats loved paper too. You definitely couldn't even try to read a newspaper around them. They would lay right on top of it.

  2. Aren't they just the silliest - just like a toddler who likes the box more than the toy! And you are right - they have to get everything "just so."

  3. Awwww! I always save the boxes from orders for a few days of clogging up the living room just so the cats can play! He looks very contented!

  4. I love watching animals making a bed - they make what is a chore for me into an absolute art form!

  5. Hoover looks like the most content cat there ever was.

  6. Deb,
    I'm so glad they are not using plastic. I use that paper as well. I don't keep rugs near my doors, so I can put paper down for guests shoes . One Chewy box gives me about 3 visitors shoe spots. :) And Hoover is so darling. Pie tears paper

  7. Hoover is so cute! I love tabby cats (well, all cats really).

  8. Awww, how cute! I love to watch animals make their beds. If only I could share the joy making my own.

  9. Hoover is such a handsome boy!
    My kids love stuffing paper too! Burton dives through it.
