Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Odds and Ends Collection

See that box of stuff that just came in the mail? That's the stuff I need to make fall soap. Already. Can you believe it?

 The problem is that I have too much leftover soap on the shelves. I tend to cut off the ugly ends and then keep them but in order to have room for more soap they need to go.

 I've also got lots of leftover pretty paper from wrapping all the bars whenever I make a batch to giveaway.

 I had a really fun afternoon wrapping up all the odds and ends. I even labeled them Odds and Ends since I have no idea what fragrances they are anymore.

The Mister will take them down to the shopping area and the post office where he makes his daily rounds every morning and give them away to all the clerks and cashiers which is something he always looks forward to doing. He gets some attention. I get empty soap shelves. Win. Win.

And thanks to all of you participated in the Summer Giveaway. They are all mailed out so if you don't get yours in the next few days let me know. I apologize again for the not so great "spa" fragrances. I promise the fall soaps won't disappoint. I've got some really great new scents I can't wait to try.

And another big thank you to NYPeapod who sent me these card sets made from fabric and iron on interfacing. Who knew you could do this? The texture is lovely. If she hadn't explained the technique in her note I would have had no idea how they were made. They are much appreciated and will come in very handy. I think you just saved The Mister from making his own cards this year-a job he hates that I make him do because he has a huge list of old work friends that he loves to send cards to that I don't particularly enjoy making. Thanks again!!!!


  1. That is some pile of leftovers! Wow! I love to receive your bars of soap--it is amazing to use!

  2. Watched Stage 1 of Le Tour yesterday - the tribute to Paul Sherwen made me tear up. I don't spin but I knit so lots of rows were accomplished!
    It's so cool that your Mister loves to hand out the lovely soaps that you share! I must have missed the summer giveaway but fall will arrive all too soon! Have a peaceful day, hopefully spinning to the TTT!

  3. First, your soaps never disappoint! It's just that some are more fabulous than others!
    And it is so sweet that you husband distributed the soaps. I'm sure the recipients are thrilled!

  4. I must check out NY peapod

    I have a new survey up if you are interested!

  5. I just love all your odds and ends and the way they are packaged. It is wonderful that your husband will take them to pass out on his morning rounds. He will add a smile to their day.

  6. Your soaps are awesome and I bet the clerks & cashiers will be so happy to see your husband!

  7. What a nice treat for the people who receive them! That's a lovely thing to do!

  8. How fun for the Mister to take the soaps to give away. I'm willing to guess that he's a pretty popular guy.

  9. Your generosity continues to amaze me. I know the clerks and cashiers love your soaps because the soaps are fabulous.
