Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Signs of Life

 Pup's outside without a coat. So was I. Today it was in the 50's. All of our snow melted.

We were outside keeping The Mister company who was out back tackling that mess in the yard. Those trees haven't gone anywhere. We have so much work to do. He's got to clear all the brush before we can start sawing them up so it's hauling and dragging time again. Ugh.

 I admit to not doing much to help. It was too muddy for me so I wandered off to look for signs of life. My poor Camellias are trying to bloom but the frost has got them again this year.

I think these are daffodils trying to sprout. I planted a lot of new things last fall so this should be an interesting spring.

My crocus are always the first things up since they are tucked into a warm corner between the chimney and the house. I expected to see them soon but not this soon. It's supposed to be in the 60's by the end of the week. My poor bulbs are going to be so confused. I know I am.


  1. Spring is coming - this is great!

  2. It's always nice to have a bit of a winter reprieve! The camellias will look better when they open; the bulb flowers will be showing up soon enough!

  3. All our snow is pretty much melted and Relic is tracking mud across my nice clean floors.

    I was poking around in the gardens and the bulbs are just starting to poke through - but we've still got a month an half at least before they get to do anything fun. We're supposed to get freezing rain tomorrow.

  4. Oooh my, clearing those trees is going to be a LOT of work!

  5. Our weather has been so crazy! Yesterday was 64 degrees. I was out riding around with the sun roof wide open... and the neighborhood black ice warning signs were still up.

  6. Wow! That is quite a job to get all the debris moved and the trees cut up. Please be careful and don't come in contact with poison oak/ivy. I see the tips of spring bulbs popping up on my morning walks. The weather we are having certainly feels like spring and I am enjoying it immensely.

  7. That's how things looked here (minus the trees) before Monday, and now everything is covered with snow and it's COLD. Sigh......

  8. We are months away from shoots coming up! Ice storm tonight. Alas, this is Wisconsin. We shall prevail

  9. 50!?!? Wow, nice!! Those tree's look humongous - spring flowers, just wow!
