Monday, November 19, 2018

Sitting and Stitching

 Gratitude got it's yearly quota met. The border and the word is done.

 I don't have a lot of hopes of getting anymore of my fall/Thanksgiving projects worked on. The rest of this month looks pretty busy with all the shower stuff and Holiday soap to wrap.

 Having said that I confess to buying a winter sampler and it was all thanks to Liana. Isn't it pretty?

 A while back she told me all about 123 Stitch and last week she sent me a gift certificate. I got the pattern, the floss and the fabric which is enough keep me busy stitching for quite a few winters at the pace I seem to stitch.
Thanks Liana!!!


  1. What a great choice! I love Jardin Prive patterns. They are so cute. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Happy stitching!

  2. I am in love with those samplers. Both the one you’re currently working on and your new one. I faintly hear crosstitch calling me. I have no time. I have Christmas gifts to knit! Blessings, Betsy

  3. Your lovely stitching projects are tempting me to pick up a project That's been in the planning stages for years. Perhaps 2019 will be the year I'll start it.

  4. Both of the samplers are just beautiful! You must have a project for whatever you feel like doing at any opportune moment. Love seeing the progress.

  5. Wow, what a great design-it will be so fun to start that one! You do stitch lovely works of art!

  6. Love your new sampler choice and also your discipline! I need to get back to stitching and some quilting, too.

  7. Your projects, both knitting and embroidery, look so pretty. You do get so much accomplished - cats or no.

  8. Lovely new sampler choice. I'm thinking of switching again...but then I get tangled up in yarn...
