Monday, November 12, 2018

Mine, All Mine!

As soon as I finish the binding on Daddio's last quilt and the baby shower quilt I will be free from having to work on anything that's for anyone else. Hallelujah.

I do enjoy sewing down binding. All I need is a good book to listen to. I've got a huge backlog on Audible so I'm good to go.

This is mine. All mine but it's too small. I want a good cuddle quilt. That's not gonna do it.

 I decided to add two more rows to the long side.

 Chain piecing those little squares is fun.

Adding the sashing in between is not but you have to do what you have to do. Amirite?


  1. I have never enjoyed sewing the binding on quilts but LOVE piecing the tops. Your autumn colored one is beautiful.

  2. What a simple design that packs a lot of interest!!! So nice to get the 'gottas' out of the way so you can play! Enjoy!

  3. I love the quilt, again I am amazed at all you get done. Have a good week.

  4. I love sewing binding too!

    Autumn quilt is looking amazing!

  5. Those are three beautiful quilts! I'm guessing your Dad's quilt will go to one of the grandchildren. Love the fabrics in "your" quilt and will be looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  6. Have you tried using Bonnie Hunter's "webbing" technique? I use it all the time - so much easier to add sashing and to assemble a top. Here's a post that links to her video.

  7. You are such an inspiration! Wish you didn't live so far away as I really don't like doing binding and have a few projects waiting......for binding!
