Sunday, November 18, 2018

Rescue Me

If you follow our knit friends Ellen's blog you can see how scary those California fires are to people. Now think of the animals that got left behind.

If you can spare a few dollars, the people at UC Davis Veterinary School have started a Catastrophic Needs Fund. They are doing an amazing job of helping the companion animals and the wildlife that are being rescued.  I've been following them on Twitter where you can find them as @ucdavisvetmed.
You can also donate here.


  1. Thank you for telling us about this wonderful group of people.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. This is a great cause!
    However, at moment I'm still helping to support my budding veterinarian.

  3. So glad someone is looking after those animals...and the other folks as well; those fires are beyond devastating!
