Thursday, April 12, 2018


 That's me on Monday trying to catch some snow. It was so cold on Monday that we had snow showers in the morning.

 A few days later is was in the 70's with hopes of the 80's by tomorrow. The pansies are happy.

 So are the Hostas. I am not a fan of hot weather but that bitter cold had worn me out.

 It got to my Camellias too. They are blooming like crazy but they have frost burns all over them. Poor things.

I don't have a clue to what this is but it is blooming all over the place. Spring may have just sprung for real this time but I'm not holding my breath-or putting my wool socks away.


  1. I hope Spring has decided to stick around and that your plants will come back after being frosted a bit.

  2. I have a feeling winter is not done with us yet. While it will be summery warm on Saturday, next week is supposed to be cold again. Crazy spring can't make up its mind.

  3. Good idea. Stay ready for cold awhile longer as the weather seems very fickle this spring. Warm socks are a must.

  4. Spring is such a on-off again season!
    Love the blooms courageously showing their stuff!

  5. Up/down/up/down...I'm hoping the roller coaster is finished. Trees are beginning to bloom around here and already I can see pollen on the cars. It is supposed to be an AWFUL Spring pollen season, but I don't even care at this point...I just want Spring!

  6. It has been cold for so long in our area. I think the yellow flowers are celandine known in N American as Fig Buttercup

    1. I think you are right! Thanks for letting me know.

  7. We had one warm, but rainy day yesterday and now we're back to cold - suppose to get ice storms tomorrow... sigh...
    I love your camellias!

  8. So much spring! We are expecting snow this weekend. I feel like we will never see any flowers here!

  9. It is snowing here. The cubs are somehow playing ball. For this inside windy cold saturday in Wisconsin, I'm so grateful for baseball to watch.
