Wednesday, April 11, 2018


 There was a surprise at the beach yesterday. A big mess.

 They are dredging up the sand under the water and putting it back on shore.

 It smells to high heaven but the birds don't seem to mind. They flock to the piles of stinky stuff looking for a snack.

The ducks seem to like the little ponds that are created. All I know is that no one would want to lie on this mess. I am anxious to see how they sort it all out before Memorial Day.


  1. Yucky! I can just imagine the dead-fish smell that created.

  2. That looks...disgusting. I’m with you. Who would want to lie on that stuff? Will be watching for updates. :-)

  3. huh. I know they dredge for the purpose of stopping too much erosion but never thought of the effect it would have in the way of smells!

  4. Oh yuck! I hate that smell! Was there much damage this past year? Do you know why they are dredging?

    1. Those two big winter storms washed what was left of the beach away. It was so shallow last summer that you could walk out to nettle nets and only be ankle deep. It made the Polar Bear plunge a challenge and that was even before the worst storms.

  5. Interesting to see how the beach is maintained to prevent it from disappearing.

  6. I'm trying to imagine the smell but I don't imagine it's to good from the look of it.

  7. The storms sure do change the landscape on the beach! I hope they can salvage the beach sand and make it pleasant to be on , too!

  8. Oh the smell must be awful. Not a good surprise. Hopefully someone really knows what they are doing and it will be great again soon!

  9. Interesting. I wonder how long it takes for the smell to go away, or if it even does?

  10. That doesn't look pretty - but I'm sure it will all work out in the end!
