Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get the urge to knit toys but lately I have seen things that are tempting me to go get a bag of stuffing and give it a go. You can find lots of patterns to squee over at the Twins' Knitting Pattern Minishop and Debi Birkin Designs.

If you are like me and you want to make toys but don't need toys, you can find a charity that will find them a good home. One of the best and most popular is the Mother Bear Project. The knitted bears are sent to children affected by HIV/AIDS. Hankie warning: The photos in the gallery will tear your heart out. As soon as I get to the end of my current project queue I'm joining.
Mother Bear Project seems like a great place for skilled knitters to get together and have a "bear night". These have just made me want to practice, practice, practice so I can make them too! But I really have to have one of those big ones...I'm in love!