I fought my way through an hour of traffic to get to the cafe and all I found was an empty couch where my knitting buddies should have been sitting. I was worried the wet, cold weather had scared everyone off.

It was a hot tea kind of night. One by one, a few brave knitters finally appeared. It was a much smaller group than usual.

Show and Tell began with last week's birthday girl. She had more presents to share. This giant ball of handspun from Pucker Brush farms got a lot of ooohs and aaahs. They are one of my favorite booths at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival-which is just a month or so away now. I can't wait.

My gift to her last week had been a skein of Knit Picks Bare sock yarn and a box of Paas egg dye. On Thursday I got a call asking for directions. Here are the results of her first dye job. Not bad considering she didn't add any water to the vinegar. That's what I get for assuming everyone knows how to dye an egg. No matter, it turned out fine. I can't wait to see what she turns it into.

We were also given a demonstration on how to reuse an Asian pear wrapper as a yarn bra. Apparently these things litter the produce section of Asian markets. She brought plenty for us to share.

She was also working on a mixed fiber hat. Over the weekend she had been to The Torpedo Factory which houses 3 floors of open art studios. She was so inspired by the fiber artists that she filled a bag with assorted yarns and is combining them into a one of a kind fiber statement. I'm impressed.

Miss Prodigy had made an adorable flower enhanced Calorimetry since we last saw her.

She also made a ribbed headband that looked very nice on her cute little self.

After modeling for us, she spent the night giving her new Turkish spindle a workout.

The lobster aka Jacques Crusteau got his pupils and his smile sewn on.

Right before our eyes, he came to life.

He's quite a handsome little fellow. I'm sad to say he won't be joining us anymore now that he is done but I heard that plans for some kind of a little owl are in the works. Squeeeee......
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