Thursday, June 27, 2024

WIPs and an FO


The gray blobs are still blobbing along. This week I have to learn to do a German short row for the light gray one. It has a shawl collar. That should be interesting. The dark gray one is still getting its last sleeve worked on. It's getting close.

And....those horrible handspun socks are FINALLY FINISHED. I haven't hated working on a project as much as I hated this one. Never again. They are tucked away for cold weather and by then I hope the bad juju has worn off or I might never be able to wear them.

But....not much of anything else is actually getting done this week because we're back to work. We've got a big family room to paint before all the flooring gets delivered and The Mister is being kind of frantic about it. 


  1. This winter, I bet you and your feet will be glad that you knit those socks and all the bad juju will seep out in storage. Best of luck with painting a big room. (Frantic spouses rarely bode well!)

  2. Glad to hear the blobs are moving along. The hand spun socks are lovely (even if they were a PITA to knit).

  3. Those handspun socks may have been horrible to knit - but they are AWESOME looking! Those are the kind of socks I like to wear to bed on a cold night!

  4. Grays are SO underused. As I've gotten older, I have more and more grays (especially heathered ones) in my wardrobe.

  5. The socks are beautiful and by the time you wear them, you will have forgotten what a bear of a knit it was! lol Hope you get through the painting and can get a day off--maybe?!
