Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hot Stuff


Summer is officially here. They are putting up the jellyfish nets on the beach. I haven't seen one yet but this heatwave will certainly encourage them to stop on by. 

Now that school is out, we'll be getting a big crowd every day. They closed our water park this year for renovations so this little beach is all we have to beat the heat.

Every day they update the beach conditions and I had to laugh at yesterday's air temperature. I wish it had been 46 degrees. That's my kind of weather. Maybe they meant Celsius? That I might have believed. 


  1. Hmmm...I've never heard of jellyfish nets. But I do remember once being at a beach (Sanibel??) and the water was filled with jellyfish and the beach was covered with them. Not pleasant!!

  2. I can't even imagine having a body of water that close to home. I know Mandy had it when she lived there close to you. I walked along the bay every day when I visiting. Even when we lived in Spokane it was an 8 hour drive to the Oregon coast. Here in landlocked Nebraska all we have is the muddy Missouri River and sand pit lakes.
    I love your boardwalk & beach photos.

  3. Be careful in the heat and crowds!

  4. Here, the town empties out in Summer, there it fills up! 😁

  5. I have also not heard about jellyfish nets, nor did I know that warmer water would be more attractive to them. (Today I learned!) Stay cool!

  6. I am so excited that tomorrow I get to go to the ocean-for fun, with son and grandsons...Pictures on Saturday!
