Monday, June 10, 2024

Playing Chicken


I spent yesterday cleaning up the layer of cat hair that covered the house after the kitties spent a night alone. You'd think they'd just relax and enjoy the time to themselves but it looked like they hosted a dance party in every room while we were gone. Yesterday wasn't all bad. I did come home to some packages that were fun to open.

I kept taking Spiral Chicken off the shelf and then putting her back away because I just didn't like the colors I had. Two orders of new wool came over the weekend so I'm hoping to get her back in business soon.

What you want is a nice hodgepodge of radiating similar colors in the background and I''m hoping these mixed grays will do it. If not, I'll just have to keep looking. 


  1. I can't predict whether the mixed gray fabric you ordered will work, but I think it looks good next to Spiral Chicken. We'll have to see if she approves!

  2. Spiral Chicken is back! I'm so happy. She looks like she's about to do a happy dance. :-)

  3. You can make these colors work out nicely!!!

  4. A "layer" of cat hair --- 😄
