Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


I don't have much to show for this week stitching wise. Floors, quilts, sisters, life....you know. Too much going on.

I meant to round the corners on the Village Quaker but I only got two corner flowers and one blue thingy done. 

I said I was going to flip flop the Patchwork seasons and I did. Autumn had the most work left to do so it was its turn this week. It was going pretty well until I discovered that I have inexplicably lost the bottom half of the pattern. I've been using the photo to figure out the bottom two boxes on the left hand side. The last thing is supposed to be a mushroom but my eyes gave out so I'll have to try again with some daylight. The border boxes won't be a problem because all four sides are the same. 

I did get the lattice on the last of the row B blocks of Dear Jane and I was pretty close to finishing the first block of Row D.  Hopefully I'll have more time this week.

And... the top of sister's scrappy little lap quilt is done and Pup approved. The backing and batting are ordered and when it gets here, hopefully, I'll have Charmed Stars finished so I can get started on it. I'm close.


  1. That quilt looks great! Here's hoping the floors get finished so you've got a bit more time for the fun stuff.

  2. What a treasure for you guys to make this top together!!!!

  3. Beautiful stitching as always. LOVE the fall cross stitch. Can't imagine having to stitch from the photo rather than the pattern. Good luck!

  4. OK for someone who doesn't think they did a lot, you did a lot.

  5. And you don't think you did very much? Love the last photo of Pup on the quilt. If it's Pup approved, it must be good. I hope all goes well in figuring out the missing pattern parts. If I know you, it will be perfect! I spent the day with Piper so I got nothing done. She's full-time entertainment. I don't care. I know these years are limited when she'll want to spend time and do things with me. Soon enough she'll be a teenager and spending time with Grandma won't be nearly as fun. I'm determined to enjoy it while I have it!

  6. Pup looks so happy in that photo!

  7. Tiny needle Tuesday, the quilt, pup…all so very colorful, cute, creative and fun. Happy day, V.
