Monday, June 3, 2024

Sweet Stuff


On my day "off" yesterday I made Pup some pumpkin muffins. They are the healthy doggy version and I have to admit that even with only one tablespoon of molasses and no sugar or fat, they were darn good. I had a hard time not eating them all myself. I made her the muffins because she's always begging for whatever I'm eating and whatever I'm eating is not particularly good for her-or me probably.

I didn't get to everything else I had hoped to get to but I did spend some time here. I put about 7 more inches on it. 

I also made a good dent in the warp for the towel I hope to be working on this summer. I may get today off too if The Mister decides to go golfing. He keeps saying he's going and then changes his mind. He's a little freaky about it after all the surgery and I don't blame him but I do miss those days all to myself. 


  1. Here's hoping you get a day at home alone!! Your weaving is beautiful and Pup's muffins look very tasty!

  2. Those muffins look good; maybe you and Pup can share! That scarf on the loom is looking good also. Here's to maybe getting another day off!

  3. Pup muffins--they do look good! lol
    The weaving is so pretty-glad you found some time to sit and weave.

  4. Would you share the recipe? I know two dogs who might like a muffin.

  5. You're a great Pup Mama. Her own muffins.
