Sunday, June 2, 2024

No Rest For the Weary


I made the mistake of telling The Mister I wanted to go to the farmer's market yesterday morning which was all well and good...

...but he said since we were out how about we swing by the local hardware store and pick up some molding? 

We needed to get the quarter round for the floor and something new to go around the door. The previous owners replaced this door's molding for some reason and it never matched. It will now. 

That meant that we had more painting to do....

...and some patching. While The Mister was doing this I was vacuuming and scrubbing the rest of the house. A week of being too tired to do much of anything after working all day downstairs left the upstairs covered in cat hair and dust. Not any more. I had a headache anyway so at least I can say I got something done. Hopefully I'll get today off. I've got a loom, a sewing machine and a spinning wheel calling my name. 


  1. Yes, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest (and maybe Monday if you need it).

  2. I know, just when you are feeling done there is another 3 days of work to do! I hope you can enjoy the time off today!

  3. If my husband ever asked to "run to" Lowe's, I knew there was a marathon coming. Bless his heart, when we were building our deck, he found lots of reasons to go.

  4. Since I never made it to the computer yesterday because of things with Mom or until 9:30 tonight either, I just commented on yesterdays post saying I hope you had a great restful weekend. Now, reading todays post, I see you worked all day yesterday too! I hope today was better. Your house is going to be beautiful whe it's done.

  5. I swear, trim is one of the worst parts of a reno! Hope you had fun at the farmer's market at least!
