Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Fluff

It's been fun watching everyone get ready for this year's Tour. It starts on June 29th this year. I had no idea what I was going to work on until yesterday morning when I noticed this basket of cotton fiber I had stashed in the living room of all places.

I bought it a few Tours ago but lost interest in it. It's slow going on a spindle so this year I am determined to learn to spin it on a wheel. It's fiddly but as long as I don't expect perfection it should work. I haven't used my Ashford Traditional in a long while and it was nice to get it back in business. 

The Corridale I dyed for the handspun socks is off the Ladybug and just look at it. It's some of the nicest spinning I've ever done. Too bad it's going in those ugly socks.

As for the floor, we tackled the closet. That little bit took all day. No fun there. 

Today will be trim day so off we went to the hardware store for more of it. It's so long we have to hang it out the window. It's my job to hold on to it. 

Instead of doing my usual crafty stuff, I spent yesterday afternoon painting that trim instead. Soon we'll be tackling the big room and I told The Mister that we'll be working two days on and one day off for that part of the adventure. Three days in a row of all this fun is too much. Too, too much. TGIF.



  1. I think your two on, one off schedule should prove to be a great idea. Fingers crossed!

  2. You need to negotiate a new work schedule!!! The spinning looks wonderful! I am trying to get up the courage to dye some of the cotton fluff I own!

  3. The Corriedale is spinning perfection. Such nice plying. I do miss my Ashford Traditional wheel but know my back wouldn't put up with it.
    Have fun with the floor and take lots of breaks.

  4. You are in the home stretch! It will be done before you know it! Love the yarn!

  5. Closets are cramped and make for difficult work. The photo of you holding on to mouldings is such a "Married Couple Goes to Lowe's" moment.

  6. What a beautiful area you will have when this project is complete!!!
