Friday, February 5, 2021

Deja Vu: Same Pictures, New Words


Some of you might have seen this post before. I hate when I accidentally schedule two posts on the same day. It happens when you have a post queued up and then something really great happens and you want to post about it and you forget about the other one. Yesterday I was blathering on about a quilt back and then.....I got YARN. 

Not just any yarn but YARRRRRRRN. One of the reasons I was so upset over the loss of my thrummed mittens was because they were made of the good stuff. I am usually very frugal about my yarn expenditures. I have a lot but most of it isn't of the highest quality. Those mittens were. I had bought a kit.

They don't make those kits anymore so I am trying replicate that same high quality piecemeal. Here is the yarn I've selected. I wanted red this time around. It's the good stuff.  Now I am waiting for the thrum fiber to show up hoping they will play nice together but it's really no big deal if they don't. I'll just keep buying fiber until they do. Win. Win.


  1. I know I commented first time around but I don't remember what I said! My brain doesn't work well! Ha!
    Anyway, I do hope you show us the process of the thrum mittens because I have no idea how you do that. That red yarn is amazing. So pretty.

  2. Oh, this is going to be such a pretty yarn for mittens! You won't be lost in the snow when you wear these mittens!!!

  3. Beautiful shade of red! What colour thrums are you thinking?

  4. Yes keep buying until you get it right!

  5. Yes, great color. Good for you ....carry on.

  6. Love the red. Like others, I need/want you to explain the process. I don't think I understand or know about those mittens.

  7. Ohhhhhh. YUm. Do consider how reds can bleed. I had a big mess with brown last month

  8. That gorgeous red will brighten a dreary winter day! Fun brand name for the yarn.
