Saturday, August 10, 2019

I've Got Mail!

 The mail was fun yesterday. I got two packages. I had to sign for this one.

 It came a long way. From Latvia.

It was a knitting kit. I love kits.

 Look at that. Isn't that pretty? Maybe someday I'm going to make the mitts but for now I am going to admire the kit. I was inspired by Caffeine Girl's post on her recent trip to Latvia and found the Hobbywool shop on Etsy that sells these beautiful kits. I want them all.

Then there was this. It's another crewel kit I found on eBay.  Since I just bought all those pricey vintage Erica Wilson kits I needed something to practice on before I even think about taking a needle to any of them. 

And then there was this. Ravelry restocked their mini-mart and when I saw this sheep breed project bag I knew it had to be mine. Now I need to find a project to go in it. It never ends, does it?


  1. Both kits are wonderful, but that autumn leaves one really draws me. The sheep bag is great too because, well, you know me and sheep. :-)

  2. Looks like you have lots of fun stitching ahead of you.

  3. Oooh, the Latvian mitt kit is luscious: you're going to have fun knitting the mitts.

  4. Oh, what wonderful mail! Love the fall flower pillow kit. That one needs to go to the top of the project list and be enjoyed in a few months.

  5. I love fun mail! My friends= sent me some products she sells and sent samples along. Fun fun!

  6. Wow to the mitten kit! Looks like a great view until you begin to knit! I have a crewel kit that sits on my shelf that needs finishing--it is decades old! Maybe now that I am embroidering again, it will get done! I will wait for you to inspire me!

  7. Looks like some fun crafting time for you, eh? You are making me want to do some crewel......
