Sunday, August 4, 2019

Happy Crab Day!

The Mister has been out crabbing twice in the past two weeks so I've had a refrigerator full of crabs for what seems like forever. I am not terribly excited about seeing the bushel of crabs he's picking up today from the shop on the corner but I am happy that the family is finally coming over to eat some. I don't eat them anymore but I do love the smell of Old Bay.


  1. Crab is a delicacy in landlocked Wyoming, but I don't care for it. Like you, I like the smell of Old Bay.

  2. I'm allergic now but I have fond memories of the family gathered around the crab covered picnic table..... And a few memories of them jumping out of the cooking pot and scurrying around on the kitchen floor. Fun times!

  3. Yes, I would be thrilled to have the crabs removed from my fridge too. Hope you have a wonderful family event.

  4. Awww. I don't eat them either. But a fun family gathering.....yes! enjoy

  5. I've never been to a crab party. It sounds like fun!
